Saturday, October 14, 2017

Ashley Lived The Life We Wish We Did

Day 151~

Steve Jobs described the life that he wished he would have lived & the Life that Ashley did live.

Ashley faced so much in her short life. More than most of us face in a lifetime. So much in life was taken from her. She suffered so much in her last few years of life. She had every reason to be angry, to be negative, to say “Why Me.” But she wasn’t angry. She was the most positive person I have ever met & she never said,” Why Me.” She loved with all her heart. She loved others more than she loved herself. That was shown in her willingness to risk her life for other children. She found the positive side of everything. Ashley always looked at life as the Glass Half Full. She never thought her life was any different than anyone else’s. She never knew how amazing she is. She didn’t realize the impact she had on the lives of so many. The impact she had on Mike, Michael, Jake, Me, Her Aunt’s & Uncles, Her Cousins, & Friends. She didn’t know it, because she didn’t see herself as the Amazing Person that she is. She never thought of herself as a greater being than the rest of us. But she was, she is a Greater Being than most of us. She saw life & treated life the way all should, but fail to do so. But she didn’t fail. She lived a fuller, more meaningful life in 25 years, than most of us do in a much longer life span. She knew what was important & what wasn’t. She didn’t care about material things. She wasn’t the teenage girl that had to have a certain pair of jeans, a certain shoe. She didn’t wear a lot of makeup. Just a little mascara if she wore any at all. But what she did know is how much she was loved. That she knew, because you could not help but shower her in the love she so deserved. To Know Ashley was to love her. Loving her was as natural as breathing. She loved unconditionally & she was loved unconditionally. She taught us what life & love meant. She taught us what was important in life. She showed us what selflessness was, what sacrifice means. She showed us how to live. SHE RAISED US…..

Ashley defines Love & Life. I have never meet another human being like her & quite frankly, I know I never will. The Ashley’s of this world are few & far between.

At 16 years old when asked how losing her hair made her feel.

“It’s fine. It’s only hair. It will grow back.” ~Ashley Montgomery

How do you live your life knowing tomorrow could be your last day?

“My Life Is No Different Than Yours. You Can Walk Out The Door Tomorrow and Get Hit By A Car. None of us are guaranteed tomorrow. Only the moment. The difference between me & most people, is that I appreciate my life more.” ~Ashley Montgomery

How are you feeling?

‘Not too bad. It could be worse & for someone else it is” ~ Ashley Montgomery

Are you more negative because of having cancer?

“Maybe some people are more negative. Not Me. I can’t imagine my life without cancer. Everyone gets to see all the bad in the world. Because of having cancer, I got to see a lot of the Good. I got to meet a lot of Good People. Yeah, I got a glimpse of the good.” ~ Ashley Montgomery

I wish that you all could have personally known Ashley. My words do not even begin to describe what an Amazing Human Being My Ash is. Ashley lived her life the way we wish we could. They way we should. She lived it to her fullest potential. She gave WAY MORE than she took. She Loved with All Her Heart. Not just her family, but friends, strangers. She believed that WE ALL MATTERED. She Was the Light that Lit Our World. This World. She is everything we wish we could be. She is THE GOOD.

If You Want To Honor Her Memory, be the best you that you can be. Live your life the way she did. Make Loving Your Family & Friends & Everyone in This World and Spending Time with Your Family & Friends, & Doing for Others, The Most Important Things In Your Life.

Remember-You Can’t take anything with you but the memories you created while you were here……


Love & Miss You So Much My Sweet Beautiful Ashley. Living Your Legacy….


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Day 225~ I Love and Miss You So Much My Sweet Beautiful Ashley. My Baby Girl. :'( 💔 🦋 ASHLEY FOREVER IN MY HEART..... ♥️ ...