Saturday, October 14, 2017

I Never Thought She Wouldn"t Beat This

Day 154~Week 22~

I know this is long & most will pass it by, but that is the problem. We keep overlooking OUR CHILDREN. TRULY SAD.

At the bottom of this post you will find words I wrote on September 22, 2011.

I have had my doubts about God & the Afterlife, but if indeed there is a God, an afterlife, than I know that Ashley is responsible for me being motivated to share my past post & this post I am writing now. It happens to land on the 22nd day of September, 22 weeks since she left us.

I knew with all that Ashley had been through that she would face struggles the rest of her life. But I honestly believed that her fight against this cancer was over. I thought, "My Sweet Beautiful Ashley, willingly took a drug, knowing it could cause a secondary cancer, knowing that secondary cancer could take her life. She risked her life in hopes that other children wouldn't have to go through what she went through." So I thought, "Ashley is going to be fine, She risked her life for others and because of that, God is going to save her."

But as we all know, that is not what happened. Ashley was diagnosed with that secondary cancer. Went through hell, beat it once, only to have it come back. Went through absolute hell again and was taken from us 22 weeks ago today.

So it's up to us to fight for these children. If we don't nobody will.

I may have my doubts as to whether or not God exists, but one thing I know for sure is that our children are the most important thing in this world. They are who we are supposed to put first. They are supposed to come before everyone and everything. Yet that doesn't seem to be the case with everybody.

This world is so screwed up and so are a lot of the people in it.

Money and power are the most important thing.

My Daughter is gone because of a drug. A chemo drug that was developed for adults. As all of them are. Why haven't we developed drugs for children specifically aimed at childhood cancer? There's not enough money in it. That just blows my mind.

I would have given everything I have, everything I own, my arms, my legs and even my life, to save My Daughter. To have Her still here living & fulfilling her dreams. That is supposed to be the attitude of all us. Yet those in power, with the ability to protect, to cure our children, a lot of them don’t seem to care. They are too busy lining their pockets & trying to cover up their wrong doings.
It's all about who you know. It's all politics.

Why do we get minimal funding from our government for childhood cancer? Why does breast cancer get all the funding, when there are so many other forms of cancer?

The answer:

Politics, Power.

Nancy Brinker Is the founder and CEO of the Susan G Komen Foundation. She is also a politician.

Her resume:

United States Ambassador to Hungary, Chief of Protocol of the United States and She is currently serving as the World Health Organization's Goodwill Ambassador for Cancer Control. So is it coincidence that over 600 million dollars a year from our government goes to breast cancer? Is it coincidence that approximately a 120 Million a year From the Department of Defense goes to breast cancer? Now add in what Susan G Komen brings in and all the other smaller breast cancer foundation's, and over a billion dollars a year goes to breast cancer research. Yet we don't have a cure. And let's not forget the controversy that Nancy Brinker & the Susan G. Komen Foundation faced in reference to her salary and expenses paid to her from the foundation, when she was working full time for the government and controversy over funding she pulled. Do some research and learn all about her and the controversies.

So over a billion dollars a year goes to breast cancer, there is no cure, yet childhood cancer struggles, as well as multiple other forms of cancer struggle, to get funding for research. I guess you need to become a bigtime politician in order to get the funding that you need.

We will give scholarships to kids who have abilities to be awesome athletes. We will go on to pay these kids millions of dollars to play for professional teams. We will pay actors, writers producers, singers, Millions of dollars to take their natural abilities to entertain us. Let’s not forget that all of these people are also doing something they enjoy. But Ask why drugs are not being developed specifically aimed at childhood cancer, the answer is, "There is not a profit in it. There are not enough children being diagnosed and dying from cancer, for it to be profitable. So I guess we hold certain children at a high value when they have a natural born ability but other children who are fighting for their life, not worth the money to find a cure.

So it takes hospitals like St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, To find cures for our babies. If not for St. Jude, childhood cancer survival rates would not be where they're at today. In 1962 the survival rate for ALL, the most common form of childhood cancer, was 4% Today because of the work at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, That survival rate is at 94%. In 1962 the overall survival rate of all children diagnosed with different forms of cancer was 20%. Today, thanks to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital it is 80% and they will not stop till it is 100% and even then, they will continue until they find the best possible treatments with the least amount of side effects.

That is why the AshleyCan Pediatric Cancer Foundation Supports St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Ashley loved St. Jude with all her heart. She was so passionate about supporting them. That is because they cured her, they saved her. They were not the ones responsible for Ashley’s secondary cancer. If it were up to her doc at St. Jude, she would never have taken that drug. It would have been radiation and that is it and she would still be here today. It was Chicago who convinced Ashley to take that drug.

So please, help us continue Ashley’s Legacy. Help us fulfill Ashley’s dream, the dream she sacrificed her life for, the dream to see a day where all children are survivors.


My Post form September 22, 2011

Day 22 of Childhood Cancer Awareness!

Imagine your life is going along smoothly, your children are living their lives as children should, and you go through each day with just the normal worries of everyday life. But life is good! Your children are healthy! Then one day in Mid-May, your 9 year old daughter throws up. You think she has the flu. Then at the end of the month she throws up again, the next day she has a headache, 4 days later she throws up again. 6 days later after several tests your Childs doctor calls and says she needs to see you and your husband and leave the kids at home. You walk into that office, knowing what you are going to hear, but trying to convince yourself that you’re wrong. The doctor walks in the room, tears in her eyes and she says, "It's not good news, Ashley has a Brain Tumor and needs to go to the University of Chicago today". At that moment you feel as if someone took their fist and hit you in the chest full force". That world you once knew, no longer exists and it never will again.

That was our life, is our life and when Ashley was re-diagnosed that feeling of the fist in the chest felt even harder. This is the life of all families who have a child diagnosed with cancer. Life is never the same. You can never go back to the life you had. You learn to adjust your life and to live with a new normal! Once cancer walks into your life, it never walks away! Cancer is a life-long fight for these children. Care enough to make a difference and help the AshleyCan Pediatric Cancer Foundation fulfill its dreams to see a day where a cure is found for every childhood cancer. To see a day with 100% survival rates. To see a day when doctors can determine what the cause of these cancers are. You can help by joining us in our fight and becoming a volunteer or by making a donation. Go to God Bless!

I Love & Miss You So Much Baby Girl. That Will Never Change.

ASHELY FOREVER IN MY HEART..... ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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The People We Meet Along This Grief Journey

Day 225~ I Love and Miss You So Much My Sweet Beautiful Ashley. My Baby Girl. :'( 💔 🦋 ASHLEY FOREVER IN MY HEART..... ♥️ ...