Saturday, October 14, 2017

The Longest Walk Home

Day 153~ 5 Months~

5 Months of Hell. There is no doubt in mind that hell is not actually a place that we go to when we die. I believe hell is right here on earth and some of us are subjected to it and some of us are not. I am without a doubt in HELL. I am not sure exactly why, what it is I did. I am not perfect, but I always thought of myself as a decent human being. I never maliciously inflict pain on others. I try to do as much for others as I can. But for some reason I have been sentenced to life in purgatory. I Know WITHOUT A DOUBT that My Sweet Beautiful Ashley didn’t do ANYHTING to Deserve the Pain & Suffering She endured & She certainly didn't do ANYTHING to have Her Life Taken Away. She Is The Kindest, Most Caring, Most Generous, Most Selfless Soul I Have EVER Known. Mike, Michael & Jake Don't deserve this pain. I Just Don't Understand.

Maybe I am getting exactly what I deserve. Maybe I am suffering because I screwed up and didn’t listen to my gut about that damn Gardasil Vaccine. Because I didn't listen to my gut and stop Ashley from taking that drug. Maybe I screwed up Ashley’s purpose for being here by screwing those things up. So Maybe the Excruciating, Unbearable Pain, I Feel Every day, Is My Punishment.

Maybe I am Just Getting What I Deserve Because I Didn't Save My Girl.........I Was Supposed to Protect Her, Not Let Her Risk Her Life.....

I Love & Miss You So Much My Sweet Beautiful Ashley.


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The People We Meet Along This Grief Journey

Day 225~ I Love and Miss You So Much My Sweet Beautiful Ashley. My Baby Girl. :'( 💔 🦋 ASHLEY FOREVER IN MY HEART..... ♥️ ...