Sunday, February 11, 2018

Nothing Changes Some People

November 10, 2017

I shared this a year ago, but since then My Very Amazing Daughter, My Sweet Beautiful Ashley, Was taken from this world, from Us.

But my words were pretty much wasted, as nothing has changed in this world in fact they've gotten worse. People have spent the last year being sickly obsessed with destroying President Trump, Instead of giving him a chance.

When I think of the time people waste being hateful, it sickens me. Time that could be spent doing good.

Facebook Post From a Year Ago

So Ashley is on day 10 of her 2nd stay in the hospital (80 days total so far) for this Diagnosis. Her third diagnosis was 144 days in patient. That's 4 months. We had to move our family to Memphis for two months, Twice. We have taken multiple trips to Memphis, multiple times a year. She has been doing this for 15 1/2 years. Not to mention that she has multiple deadly heart conditions. She has lost her ability to run. She has a hard time walking without a cane. She can't walk very far before losing strength. She can't ride a two wheeler. She has short term memory issues. She has double vision. She has constant neck and back pain. She has been through menopause. She can't have children. She has had 7 surgeries, 66 rounds of radiation and 38 rounds of Chemo. She has had too many transfusions, EKGs, Echoes, MRIs, Cat Scans, X-rays, and Lab draws to count. Lost count of how many headaches and how many times she has thrown up. Not to mention multiple other pains. She lost her hair multiple times and has permanent bald spots. She is fighting an unbelievably aggressive cancer with everything she has inside her. Yep, she has been through Fucking Hell. Yet she smiles and is so very thankful to be alive. She says, it could be worse and for someone else it is.
But I just wanted to say, I am sorry that your presidential candidate didn't win and you are so very sad. I am sorry that your goal today for some of you, was not to throw up. I am sorry that so many of you had to figure out how to tell your children that the lying Criminal Hillary Clinton, who has put our country at risk and Associates with known terrorist, incited violence at Trump rallies, etc, etc, etc, did not win the election to become our next president. Toughest thing I had to tell my child, was that she had cancer. Four times. But that's nothing compared to you having to tell your child that Hillary Clinton didn't become our president. I am sorry that you are so very sad, so very distraught. I am sure it has put a damper on your day. And hey, it's okay, you can continue to call me, my husband, my children. my friends and every Trump supporter a racist, homophobic, sexist, uneducated idiot and multiple other names. Because hey, everything you all do is just fine because you are all right and we're all wrong. I'm sorry that your life is so very difficult because Donald Trump is going to be our next president. That must be very rough for you. I guess Ashley is right, it is worse for someone else. I'm so sorry you are all suffering so horribly. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

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