Sunday, September 3, 2017

Can't Find A Reason

Day 130~

I Miss You So Much My Missy Moo, My SWEET, BEAUTIFUL ASHLEY.

People tell me to keep busy, but it doesn't matter how busy I am, You are ALWAYS On My Mind, Always In My Heart and No Distraction Could Ever Take The Pain Of Losing You Away. My Love For You Is Way Too Deep For That To Ever Happen. You My Darling, Are More Special Than You Could Ever Have Imagined. You Are So Much More Than This World Even Knows.


The post at the end of this post is from 2014 .

Friday is September 1st and the start of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Please help us raise awareness by turning your Facebook Gold.

For 8 years My family and I and many friends, Including MY SWEET BEAUTIFUL ASHLEY, have busted our butts to raise awareness, support research and help families.
But no matter how hard we worked, no matter how much we put our love & heart into this, no matter how hard We tried to help find a cure, We couldn't Save Our Ashley.

My One of a Kind, Kind, Caring, Selfless, Hero Daughter, My Ashley, Was willing to do whatever it took to help ensure no other child had to go through what she did. And she did do whatever it took, including risking her own life. That risk, Turned Into Her Sacrifice.

Please Don't Let My Baby Girl Have Died In Vain. Please Help Us Continue Her Legacy.
September is also the Month of Ashley's Birth~September 5th

Things for everyone to do this September.

1. It doesn't Matter where you live everyone can do this: Turn your Facebook Gold.

2. Get signed up for one of the AshleyCan ASHLEY FOREVER Events on September 10th.
We have something for everyone: Half Marathon, Half Marathon Relay, 10K, 5K, 1 Mile. You can walk the 5K if you want.

3. Everybody come participate in our ASHLEY FOREVER Walk to Remember and Honor on September 16th. This is to Remember Our Children Who Have Earned Their Angel Wings, and Honor Our Children Who Are Currently Fighting & Those Who Have Fought.
If you want a shirt you must register for this event by Thursday August 31st. You can also just purchase a shirt by going to

4. Make a donation to the foundation.
PO Box 6
Bourbonnais IL 60914.

You can make it on line as well but do note that the company we run it through charges us a fee.

PLEASE, Be Part of raising awareness for our children fighting this monster. When we raise awareness we increase people's knowledge, Thus we increase funding, Which increases the ability of hospitals, like St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, to continue their research of finding the best possible cures for our babies. Cures that don't cause secondary cancer.

In 2014 it was estimated that 15,780 Children in the United States Alone, were diagnosed with cancer. 43 Children A DAY. 20% of those children diagnosed each day will earn their angel wings. 8 children. Now multiply that by 365. Each year of the 15780 children diagnosed, 2,920 of them will not make it. (3 years have passed since that last statistic was calculated. I can promise those numbers have increased)

ONE CHILD is too many.

We live in a world were we have the capability and the funding to do so many amazing things. We can put men on the moon. We can build bombs capable of destroying all of Mankind. Don't even get me started on the capability of our technology. We have the knowledge and the money to do all this, Yet we struggle to find funding for our Children, OUR CHILDREN. We fail to find them a cure. Why? Because cancer is a business and their is no money to be made in finding a cure for Childhood Cancer. That is one of the many reasons to support a hospital like St Jude Children's Research Hospital, who is truly dedicated to finding a cure.

This September, Are You Going To "GO BOLD FOR THE GOLD"?

Facebook Post from August 29, 2014

No matter how hard I try, I just can't wrap my head around it. I am a firm believer that things happen for a reason: crossing someone's path, being delayed in traffic, losing a job, getting or not getting a job. But no matter how hard I try to tell myself everything happens for a reason I just can't find a reason or comprehend why a child must earn their Angel Wings. It is not supposed to be that way. We are not supposed to outlive our children. My heart breaks for so many. Monday starts Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Turn your Facebook Gold for September and help us Raise Awareness and help us find a cure for our children by making a donation to the AshleyCan Pediatric Cancer Foundation in September. PO Box 6 Bourbonnais, IL 60914 and please join us September 13th on Childhood Cancer Awareness Day in Bourbonnais for our Walk to Remember and honor. Go to for more information

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The People We Meet Along This Grief Journey

Day 225~ I Love and Miss You So Much My Sweet Beautiful Ashley. My Baby Girl. :'( 💔 🦋 ASHLEY FOREVER IN MY HEART..... ♥️ ...