Monday, January 15, 2018

If Only I Could Go Back In Time

October 29, 2017

Jake doesn't want as much "Mom Time" anymore. He did go to the show with Mike and I last night.
If only we could go back in time. If I could go back in time, I would go back to the day that I allowed Ashley's wacko pediatrician convince and quilt me into going against my gut and agreeing to give Ashley that Gardasil Vaccine.
Ash would still be here today, living her dreams if I didn't. Thanks to my stupidity and that wacko doctors ignorance, she is not.
It Is amazing how one moment, one major freaking mistake (by me in this case) can change the course of someone's life. (Ashley's life in this case).

Facebook Post From October 29, 2011

Ash and Michael are at my Mom's for the weekend! Mike's at work and won't be home till about 5! So it's Jake and Mom till then! Hanging out in my room watching TV! First we watched Person of Interest, now we are catching up on Extreme Makeover Home Edition! When Mike get's home going to eat Pizza, go to see Real Steel, and then carve our Pumpkins! Jake loves when the big kids are gone and its Mom and Jake time!!!!! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!!!!! ^j^ God Bless! SMILE!

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