Sunday, February 11, 2018

Faith In God Didn't Matter

Day 200~
Ashley & I & the Boy's, have always been positive & put our faith in God. We have always been appreciative of everything we had in life. We have always had the attitude that, "Things could be worse & for someone else they are." We have always spent our time giving to others, helping others, as we always thought that is what we are supposed to do in life. Through 16 years of Ashley Fighting 4 times, we have always been grateful, giving & appreciative & always put things in the Lords hands.
Read the posts below, you will see a glimpse of my attitude through the years, the same attitude Ashley & the Boy's had.
The end results, the reward for being, NOT PERFECT, but doing our best to be good, kind, caring, giving people: Ashley, the best of us, was rewarded with living a tough life and then having Her Life taken from her at 25 years old. Our reward was having Ashley taken form our lives & being sentenced to a LIFE OF TOURTUIOS HELL.
And you wonder why I have doubts of God's Existence. No Good, Loving "FATHER" would Punish & Torture His Children for doing Good. I don't even torture my children when the are human & make mistakes. A Loving Parent does everything in their power to prevent their children from suffering.
I Love & Miss You So much My Sweet Beautiful Ashley. ;'( 💔🦋
ASHLEY FOREVER IN MY HEART.....❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Post from 2011
Thank you Lord for another Wonderful Day of Life, for everything I have, everything you have given me! I feel so very blessed! ^J^ God Bless! SMILE!
Life is so precious,
And each day is a gift.
So enjoy every minute,
As it were your last to live.
Cherish your loved ones,
Hug them tight,
Share with them your heart,
And your time.
Nothing is forever,
And life goes so fast,
Each minute that passes,
Is one you can’t get back.
When troubles arrive,
And knock you off your feet,
Stand up and smile,
And remember life is too sweet.
Every morning when you wake,
Decide right from the start,
That “Today will be a good day”
And let it all in with an open heart.
Written by: Laura Strickland ©
Post from 2010
~I may be crazy because I run whether it is 20 or 100 degrees, because I compete week after week in 5K’s, with some back to back runs, because I will push myself to the limit & run through pain & injuries, but I would rather be crazy & live everyday to the fullest, like every day is my last, than to be sane & sit around & one day realize I watched my life pass me by & never really lived!~MHM Ashley taught me that!
Post from 2009
What a Beautiful day! Going out shortly to put up my Christmas decorations! Maybe go for a run later this afternoon! Packing for Memphis! Hopefully getting on the road bright and early! If that happens in this house that will be a true miracle! Hope everyone enjoys their weekend!! God Bless! Smile!!! It Makes the World a Brighter Place!

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The People We Meet Along This Grief Journey

Day 225~ I Love and Miss You So Much My Sweet Beautiful Ashley. My Baby Girl. :'( 💔 🦋 ASHLEY FOREVER IN MY HEART..... ♥️ ...